A bold vision for community-centric research requires bold and forward-thinking patrons.

Support Us


Your donation will help us provide much needed clinical services for the underserved communities in our county and beyond, in support of our Clinical Care mission.

You are contributing to community-focused research in autism and other disorders of development by supporting our Research endeavors

You are giving opportunities for hands-on training to the next generation of researchers and practitioners in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, special education, by supporting our Training mission

You are helping the Center build partnerships within the vibrant autism community of San Diego and beyond to ensure that no one falls through the cracks, by supporting our Community Engagement mission.

If you wish further information, please contact us at (619) 594-3574

Considering a Major Gift?


Individuals, foundations, and corporations can have a significant impact on the SDSU Center for Autism. These gifts of cash, securities, real estate, or other tangible personal property can provide our programs with enduring or endowment support.

To discuss opportunities for public recognition and naming opportunities, or for further information about giving opportunities, please contact Stacy Carota, SDSU Senior Director of Development, at 619-594-2324 or scarota@sdsu.edu.

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